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  1. J. Krausser, K. Samwer, A. Zaccone. Interatomic repulsion softness directly controls the fragility of supercooled metallic melts, PNAS, in press.
  2. D. Denisov, M.T. Dang, B. Struth, A. Zaccone, G. H. Wegdam, P. Schall. Sharp symmetry-change marks the mechanical failure transition of glasses, Scientific Reports, in press.
  3. M. Mermet-Guyennet, J. de Castro, S. Varol, M. Habibi, B. Hosseinkhani, N. Martzel, R. Sprik, M. Denn, A. Zaccone, S. Parekh, D. Bonn. Size-dependent reinforcement of composite rubbers. Polymer, in press.
  4. M. van der Linden, B. O. Conchuir, E. Spigone, A. Niranjan, A. Zaccone, P. Cicuta. Microscopic origin of the Hofmeister effect in gelation kinetics of colloidal silica. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6, 2881 (2015).
  5. A. Zaccone, I. Terentjev, L. Di Michele, E. M. Terentjev. Fragmentation and depolymerization of non-covalently bonded filaments. Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 114905 (2015).
  6. S. Gu, J. Kaiserc, G. Marzuna, A. Ott, Y. Lu, M. Ballauff, A. Zaccone, S. Barcikowski, P. Wagener. Ligand-free Gold Nanoparticles as a Reference Material for Kinetic Modelling of Catalytic Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol, Catalysis Letters 145, 1105 (2015).
  7. A. Zaccone, P. Schall, E. M. Terentjev. Microscopic origin of nonaffine nonlinear deformation in bulk metallic glasses. Physical Review B 90, 140203(R) (2014).
  8. S. Gu, S. Wunder, Y. Lu, M. Ballauff, R. Fenger, K. Rademann, B. Jaquet, A. ZacconeKinetic Analysis of the Catalytic Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol by Metallic Nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, 18618-18625 (2014).
  9. A. Zaccone, M. Siebenbürger, H. H. Winter, M. Ballauff. Linking self-assembly, rheology, and gel transition in attractive colloids, Journal of Rheology 58, 1219 (2014).
  10. B. O. Conchuir, Y.M. Harshe, M. Lattuada, A. Zaccone.  Analytical model of fractal aggregate stability and restructuring in shear flows, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 53, 9109 (2014).
  11. A. Zaccone and E.M. Terentjev. Short-range correlations control the G/K and Poisson ratios of amorphous solids and metallic glasses. Journal of Applied Physics 115, 033510 (2014).
  12. A. Moussa, M. Lattuada, B. O. Conchuir, A. Zaccone, M. Morbidelli, M. Soos. Flow-Induced Aggregation and Breakup of Particle Clusters Controlled by Surface Nanoroughness, Langmuir 29, 14386 (2013).
  13. A. Lappala, A. Zaccone, E.M. Terentjev. Ratcheted diffusion through crowded nanochannels, Nature Scientific Reports 3, 3103 (2013).
  14. V. Fodera’, A. Zaccone, M. Lattuada, A.M. Donald. Electrostatics controls the formation of amyloid superstructures in protein aggregation, Physical Review Letters 111, 108105 (2013).
  15. A. Zaccone. Slowing-down of diffusion-controlled reactions in dense liquid matter. Journal of Chemical Physics 138, 186101 (2013).
  16. A. Zaccone and E. M. Terentjev. Disorder-assisted melting and the glass transition in amorphous solids. Physical Review Letters 110, 178002 (2013).
  17. B. O. Conchuir and A. Zaccone. Mechanism of flow-induced biomolecular and colloidal aggregate breakup. Physical Review E 87, 032310 (2013).
  18. A. Zaccone, J.J. Crassous, M. Ballauff. Colloidal gelation with variable attraction energy. Journal of Chemical Physics 138, 104908 (2013).
  19. A. Zaccone. Elastic deformations in covalent amorphous solids. Modern Physics Letters B 27, 1330002 (2013).
  20. T. Gibaud, A. Zaccone, E. Del Gado, V. Trappe, P. Schurtenberger. Unexpected decoupling of stretching and bending modes in protein gels. Physical Review Letters 110, 058303 (2013).
  21. L. DiMichele, A. Zaccone, and E. Eiser. Predictive theory of polymer-network mediated attraction between colloidal particles. PNAS 109, 10187 (2012).
  22. A. Zaccone and E.M. Terentjev. Theory of molecular crowding in Brownian hard-sphere liquids. Physical Review E 85, 061202 (2012).
  23. A. Zaccone and E.M. Terentjev. Theory of thermally-activated ionization and dissociation of bound states. Physical Review Letters 108, 038302 (2012).
  24. A. Zaccone, J.R. Blundell, and E.M. Terentjev. Network disorder and nonaffine deformations in marginal solids. Physical Review B 84, 174119 (2011).
  25. A. Zaccone, J.J. Crassous, B. Beri, and M. Ballauff. Quantifying the reversible association of thermoresponsive nanoparticles. Physical Review Letters 107, 168303 (2011).
  26. A. Zaccone, N. Dorsaz, C. DeMichele, F. Piazza, M. Morbidelli, and G. Foffi. Crowding, intermolecular interactions and shear-flow effects in the diffusion model of chemical reactions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115, 7383 (2011).
  27. A. Zaccone and E. Scossa-Romano. Approximate analytical description of the nonaffine response of amorphous solids. Physical Review B 83, 184205 (2011).
  28. A. Zaccone, D. Gentili, H. Wu, M. Morbidelli, and E. Del Gado. Shear-driven solidification of dilute colloidal suspensions. Physical Review Letters 106, 138302 (2011).
  29. D. Xie, H. Wu, A. Zaccone, L. Braun, and M. Morbidelli. Criticality for shear-induced gelation of charge-stabilized colloids. Soft Matter 6, 2692 (2010).
  30. A. Zaccone, D. Gentili, H. Wu, and M. Morbidelli. Shear-induced reaction-limited aggregation kinetics of Brownian particles at arbitrary concentrations. Journal of Chemical Physics 132, 134903 (2010).
  31. H. Wu, E. Tsoutsoura, M. Lattuada, A. Zaccone, and M. Morbidelli. Effect of temperature on high shear-induced gelation of charge-stabilized colloids without adding electrolytes. Langmuir 26, 2761 (2010).
  32. A. Zaccone and E. Del Gado. On mean coordination and structural heterogeneity in model amorphous solids. Journal of Chemical Physics 132, 024906 (2010).
  33. A. Zaccone, H. Wu, and E. Del Gado. Elasticity of short-ranged attractive colloids: homogeneous and heterogeneous glasses. Physical Review Letters 103, 208301 (2009); selected in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
  34. A. Zaccone, H. Wu, D. Gentili, and M. Morbidelli. Theory of activated-rate processes under shear with application to shear-induced aggregation of colloids. Physical Review E 80, 051404 (2009); selected in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics.
  35. A. Zaccone. The shear modulus of metastable amorphous solids with strong central and bond-bending interactions. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, (28) 285103 (2009).
  36. A. Zaccone, M. Soos, M. Lattuada, M. U. Bäbler, and M. Morbidelli. Breakup of dense colloidal aggregates under hydrodynamic stresses. Physical Review E 79, 061401 (2009).
  37. H. Wu, A. Zaccone, E. Tsoutsoura, M. Lattuada, and M. Morbidelli. High shear-induced gelation of charge-stabilized colloids in a microchannel without adding electrolytes. Langmuir 25, 4715 (2009).
  38. A. Zaccone, H. Wu, Portaluri, M. Lattuada, and M. Morbidelli. Mechanically stirred single-stage column for continuous gelation of colloidal systems. AIChE Journal 54, 3106 (2008).
  39. A. Zaccone, H. Wu, M. Lattuada, and M. Morbidelli. Charged molecular films on Brownian particles: structure, interactions and relation to stability. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 6793 (2008).
  40. A. Zaccone, H. Wu, M. Lattuada, and M. Morbidelli. Correlation between surfactant adsorption/association phenomena and colloidal stability studied by light scattering. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 1976 (2008).
  41. A. Zaccone, M. Lattuada, H. Wu, and M. Morbidelli. Theoretical elastic moduli for disordered packings of interconnected spheres. Journal of Chemical Physics 127, 174512 (2007).
  42. A. Zaccone, A. Gäbler, S. Maaß, D. Marchisio, and M. Kraume. Drop breakage in liquid-liquid stirred dispersions - Modelling of single drop breakage. Chemical Engineering Science 62, 6297-6307 (2007).
  43. S. Maass, A. Gäbler, A. Zaccone, A. Paschedag, and M. Kraume. Experimental investigations and modelling of breakage phenomena in stirred liquid/liquid systems. Chemical Engineering Research & Design 85, 703 (2007).
  44. A. Zaccone, E. Del Gado, D. Fiocco, G. Foffi, S. Manley, V. Trappe: Colloidal gelation. In “Soft Condensed Matter”, A. Fernandez-Nieves Ed., Wiley & Sons, New York, in press.


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